The Small Steps Count
When it comes to most things in life, the first step is often the most difficult one to take. When we're talking about financial matters, this is very true. Starting out with small steps that can lead to success is rewarding. When you start to see results, it becomes motivating. Here are a few simple steps that you can take to start seeing success.
Switch to a bank or credit union that doesn’t charge you service fees on your
bank account. There are many institutions that will allow you to make deposits
and withdrawals and not charge you monthly service fees.
Sign up for free customer rewards programs when you can. We often
shop in the same places, and rewards can add up more
quickly than you think. Rewards can often be redeemed for
discounts or coupons on your next purchase. This is great
for items such as your daily coffee, too.
Use the 30-day rule. Whenever you’re
considering a larger purchase of a
non-essential item, give yourself 30 days
to think about it. Quite often you’ll find the
impulse to purchase the item has passed.
Remember, it doesn’t need to be a major
life altering change – simple steps can
have a tremendous effect.