Spring is Here

Many of us have just made it through a long and irregular winter. Spring is the time of year when we start getting outside more often. This is also the time of year when we tackle spring-cleaning chores around the home and yard.

After a long winter, one of the areas in the average household that requires extra attention is the garage. Sorting, organizing and storing ‘stuff’ can free up extra space, allow you to take inventory of the family gear, and help you feel like you’ve accomplished something.

We’ve gathered together a few useful tips to get started with the garage, or for that matter, any room in your house.

Setting up Your Space
You can usually easily identify areas in the garage that are not being used to their full potential. If you get a little bit creative you can imagine how much more effective it would be with say some shelves. An improved arrangement will increase the space’s usefulness.

Bike & Sports Equipment
Bikes can easily be stored by hanging them from the ceiling if you can arrange it, or even buying a rack designed for bikes. Smart storage not only gets the bikes out of the way, but it makes it very easy to get them in and out.

Some equipment such as racquets or skates don’t have a clever solution like the bikes do. Plastic storage bins or trunk storage is ideal for storing the piles of shoes, boots, skates, snowshoes and you name it.

Spring is Here cont.

Outside Furniture
Quite often, we use our garages as a garden shed during the
winter. When the time comes to put the garden furniture back
outside, give everything a warm, soapy wash. If you have wood
furniture, this might be a good time to give it a fresh
coat of paint or oil if you have been using it.

Bonus Time
Here are some additional tips for areas around
the home that you might want to check. It’s
important after a winter of uncommon and often
extreme weather that you look around your
home for signs of water, water stains or
standing water. Look in the following area:

exterior door jambs and windows.
floors around the water heater and the
water tanks.
cabinets below sinks in the kitchen,
bathrooms and laundry rooms.
attic for signs of water stains.
basement for damage to concrete.

For most Canadians, your home is one of the biggest investments you’ll make. Caring and maintaining your home is an expression of home ownership pride. Taking a few minutes to look around your home for signs of water damage is a smart move to protect your investment.

We’ve gathered together a few useful tips to get started with the garage, or for that matter, any room in your house.

Ruby Red

This beautifully rich looking smoothie combines raspberry and pomegranate in a deliciously satisfying beverage.


1.5 cups (375 ml) pomegranate juice
2 cups (500 ml) frozen unsweetened raspberries
2 cups (500 ml) low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt
Blend all 5 mins.

280 calories
59 g carbs
3 g fat
7 g protein
5 g fibre
105 mg sodium

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